Here's a curated list of five songs all rated 5-stars in my iTunes library. I just might make this a regular addition to the blog.
LCD Soundsystem with "Daft Punk is Playing at My House". It's the first LCD Soundsystem song I heard. Instant addiction.
Storm Large with "Thank God". The Rockstar reality program was a guilty pleasure for me. It focused on harder edged music than the pasturized pop of shows like Idol, X Factor and The Voice. You got some actually talented singers who had experience doing their thing. Storm Large was one of the most unique artists on the show. This is one of her early songs from when she was going by Storm, Inc. If you get the chance, see her live.
Feist with "Inside and Out". I took some time to really get into Feist. This amazingly cool cover of the Bee Gees song certainly didn't hurt. It's from her 2004 album Let It Die.
Here's one thing from the early 80s. Romeo Void with their big (only?) hit "Never Say Never". I never get tired of this song.
"Untouchable Face" by Ani DiFranco is one of the most incredible songs. Listen to this song and try to deny Ani's talent. Just try. Her guitar playing, her singing, her songwriting are all awesome. Her coy use of the f-word makes it art.
Okay, I can't resist sneaking in another incredible Ani song. "32 Flavours". Gives me shivers.
Okay, Okay. Just one more. Here's "Two Little Girls".