Last night, Crown Lands gave us a musically diverse and dynamic show at The Axis Club Theatre, the venue formerly known as The Mod Club. The renovations look great and the removal of the raised area on the east side of the venue makes for a bigger floor area. The new murals look great, too.
I've only seen the duo that is Crown Lands once before, but that set at Hillside 2018 was enough for me to know that I wanted to witness this show.
For a duo, Crown Lands make a huge musical sound. Kevin Comeau juggles guitar, bass pedals and keyboards, while Cody Bowles takes care of the soaring vocal duties and drums.
I was expecting a powerhouse set of classic and progressive rock influenced tunes, and we all got that, big time. We also got a beautiful acoustic guitar interlude from Comeau, and a mandolin and vocal tune from Bowles. It brought dynamics and interest to a powerful set that already featured large amounts of both dynamics and interest.
I loved the set and loved being back at one of my favourite Toronto venues. I'm looking forward to many amazing shows at The Axis Club Theatre.
Skye Wallace and her band opened up the show. Click here to check out my photos from their set.
And here's some Crown Lands music.
"White Buffalo"
"Context: Fearless Pt. I"