Who could listen to songs like "Combat Baby" or "Succexsy" or "Dead Disco" from Old World Underground, Where Are You Now? and not be hooked immediately? Same goes for songs like "Handshakes" and "Monster Hospital" and "Poster of a Girl" from Live It Out or "Sick Muse" and "Gimme Sympathy" and "Satellite Mind" from Fantasies. Metric are one solid band.
In support of their new album, Fantasies, they are setting out on tour.
All of their albums are available on emusic.
"Gimme Sympathy" from Fantasies
"Sick Muse" from Fantasies
"Combat Baby" from Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?
The MSTRKRFT remix of "Monster Hospital" (original version on Live It Out)
Lots more videos can be found at Metric's channel at youtube. I'll be at the Toronto show, October 20.
Photo from http://www.ilovemetric.com/