I ride the subway in Toronto to and from work each day. It's usually pretty uneventful. There are certainly some delays, including one I think is complete bullshit. "Smell of smoke at track level." Does that mean the subway driver wanted to have a smoke? That's what I think. And there's the occasional stinking street person or beggar. But overall, it's time to listen to some tunes and read the news.
One day it got a bit more interesting. There was a large group of teenagers at the far end of the car I was on. And then at Jane subway station, a commotion broke out. At first, I thought the teenagers were being goofy and pushing each other as they got off the train. Then I saw the fists swinging. It was pandemonium on the subway platform as these teens thrashed the shit out of each other. This included blood hitting the wall. All the while my iPod played Warpaint for me.
Here are two videos from Warpaint's 2010 début The Fool.