Bob Mould has recently made me very sad and very happy. He recently announced that he's done with his gigs featuring a front-to-back run through of the Sugar classic Copper Blue. This makes me sad because he never came through Toronto to blow our minds with the live rendition of one of the best albums ever. However, I must say I'm happy that Bob seems to be doing so well with his most recent release, The Silver Age. He's been doing the talk show circuit and seems to be getting more and more props for his ongoing contributions to music over the past 30+ years.
Regarding the Copper Blue shows, Mould states, "And now it’s time to say farewell to Copper Blue. I'm not retiring the songs — many of them will be in my live sets forever — but I am putting the 'start to finish' reading of Copper Blue to rest... It was wonderful to pay tribute to Copper Blue by opening the 2012 shows with a start to finish reading of the album. By the end of the North American tour it felt a bit predictable. The longtime followers know my restlessness all too well, so my need to shake things up should be no surprise. The response to the Silver Age songs, both on record and on stage, has been quite positive. I want to move forward in 2013 with promoting Silver Age — and you’ll still hear plenty of favorites from my songbook. See you next year!"
Here he is ripping up the tune "Keep Believing" on Conan. At the end (on TV at least) Conan gets to strap on Bob's legendary strat.
I can't seem to get the video to work on my computer, so if it's not working above try this link or this link. It's worth watching!