I don’t want to give too much of the performance away, but, suffice to say, Reykjavíkurdætur puts on a performance that I’d recommend you see and experience first hand. They play with stereotypes and generalizations in a playful and constructive way. They have a great time performing and they get the audience fully involved. The music is energetic and fun, the lyrics sung and spat in Icelandic but with an intensity and flow so cool you won't mind. I’m glad I stuck around for the full performance and I give thanks for the strong recommendation I received. And I got champagne in my eye. That’s a new one!
Please give their music a listen and if you have the chance to deserve them live, please do.
All of my Riverfest Elora 2019 posts can be accessed from one master post here. I hope you'll take a look and a listen.